Friday’s Activity

Good morning! Thanks to the students from 2B that did yesterday’s activity, sorry 2 D’s you should work double today. Guiño

Today’s activities are simple, but will let you continue learning about layers. Make both and save your files as PNG’s, finally, send them both to my e-mail address.

Next week we’re going to see some photo montages, so, as homework for next thursday, please bring in your USB a picture of yourself. Better if it’s a large picture (1600×1200 at least, if you have a 2 megapixels camera, that is the resolution). We are going to change the background of your picture using the selection tools.

Note: Both tutorials are in spanish.

Tutorial 1: Click HERE

Tutorial 2: Click HERE

If you feel adventurous, mix both images, using the first background and the text above it.

If you get stuck on something, there are 2 possible things to do, search for help in Google or continue and ask your questions next week. Sonrisa Have a nice weekend.

GIMP Basics


  1. Download GIMP Portable from HERE.
  2. Save the file on the desktop and run it.
  3. When the installer finishes, a new folder will be created in the Desktop
  4. Copy this folder to your USB drive.
  5. From your USB drive, open the new folder and run GIMPPortable.exe
  6. Follow further instructions in class.

Excercise Files:

Download the file HERE, unzip the files to the desktop.

List of activities:

  • Open, Close, Save As.
  • Layers
  • Image Resizing
  • Sepia Tone


Sepia Color Code: ab7701